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hijau desaku

Indahnya pemandangan kampungku. Foto ini ku ambil saat aku bersama keluarga pulang ke kampung tercinta, Batusangkar, Sumatra Barat. Pemandangan yang sangat asri, hijau dan begitu indah. Subhanallah, begitu indah ciptaan Allah.


2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

While, buying diamonds always enquire about the four C's- that's clarity, cut,
color and carat weight. No matter what you choose the lucky recipients of your wares
will probably be grateful. Or about the flip side as being a seller you
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and business cards - even about the high street.

Here is my web blog :: jewelry

link mengatakan...

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go for green!!!

go for green!!!
panitia pra fisip inauguration dua

welcome my new friend

welcome my new friend
haii...hai....thx for buka blog ku

berKOMUNIKASI yuuuk!!!